Design Creations for Heroes

Coming Soon

We're working on something awesome! Stay tuned for updates.

Facebook showed me this "memory" from 4 years ago.

My sentiment has NOT changed!

"I recently read about kids being suspended from school for flying American flags, Thin Red Line flags, or Thin Blue Line flags
on their trucks or displaying them to honor their parents and other firefighters, police officers, and returning veterans.

This got me thinking: when did it become offensive to be proud of being an American or to honor these true heroes?

Why do we elevate sports figures and celebrities to unrealistic heights, giving them immense influence over what we think and believe?

Meanwhile, our returning veterans, often scarred and damaged from their service, are left largely unnoticed.

Firefighters and police officers put themselves in harm's way daily, responding to emergencies without hesitation.

When did the general public become so disconnected from the sacrifices of these true heroes?"

Proud to have served

©Copyright 2010-2024
Modified - 9/21/2024
Sonja M Thomas - SLT Design Creations, LLC